Will playing violent video game lead to violent behavior?

Rick Ko
2 min readApr 29, 2021

Video games are a $10 billion industry. As the industry rapidly expands with new gaming systems and updated technology, there has been stiff competition to create the most realistic and interactive games. From war games to car thefts, many of these games include graphic acts of violence. And many of these games are being played by children.I think playing violent video games will lead to violent behavior. It varies from person

To person, do you agree?In this study,investigated the extent to which adolescents who spend time playing violent video games exhibit higher levels of aggressive behaviour when compared with those who do not. The main reason to worry about video games is a slew of studies claiming to find a link between violence in video games and real-world aggression, but countervailing studies have found no persuasive link. The main reason to be skeptical of a causal link is that video games have spread widely around the world without driving other countries to the levels of violence in this country.

So in the end I think we call on both individual scholars as well as professional guilds such as the American Psychological Association to be more forthcoming about the extremely small observed relationship in longitudinal studies between violent games and youth aggression,so playing violent video games will not lead to violent behavior.

